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Message from Mr Lance Kruger


To our valued Patients,


Due to the current situation surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak we have implemented enhanced Protocols at our Dental Practice for your treatment and safety.


Please see below extra measures we will be taking at Penridge Dentistry. These will be implemented on top of existing safety protocols in order to mitigate risks associated with the current pandemic situation.


  • We have purchased ‘Air Purification Virus Eradication Units’ for the Practice. 

  • We have installed tempered glass ‘cough and sneeze protection screens’ in the Reception area.​

  • We have added extra PPE equipment that will be used by staff during all patient visits. This is for Patient and Staff Safety.

  • We have established SOP’s (Standard operating procedures) for every step of the patient journey, before, during and after treatment, as explained below.


When you arrive:


  • Please wait in your car outside the practice and we will call you in as soon as your appointment is ready to start.

  • Ideally we would like only the patient to enter the Practice to limit the amount of person to person contacts. We respectfully request for family and friends to wait in the vehicle.

  • Please leave as much as possible in your car and only bring in with you essential items. Mobile phones are known to carry a high percentage of micro-organisms, so if possible please leave your phone in your vehicle.

  • We will try to keep to your appointment time as closely as possible and it is therefore very important to arrive early for your appointment and to not to arrive late as this creates huge problems for us. Please understand that we need to prepare the surgery for each patient and disinfect between appointments, and if you arrive late then you may lose your appointment time and will incur charges for the costs of the appointment.

  • We will ask you to use our disinfectant hand rub and use and wear your facemask in all common areas in the Practice. 


The steps we have to take to prepare ourselves and the treatment room:


We have taken many steps to protect the safety of our team and most importantly to us, our patients.​


  • All surfaces including door handles, flushes in our washrooms, etc are disinfected and wiped down constantly during the day.


  • We use extra layers of protection for our team. This includes increased protection face masks, aprons, head covering, eye protection and visors. 


  • Air purification and disinfection units – as you know, Covid-19 is an airborne virus and even when simply breathing and speaking infected people can accidentally expose others to risk. To protect you and the team we have invested in high specification air purification units of the type commonly used in hospitals in many parts of the World. These scrub the air of germs AND VIRUSES and keep the air clean and healthy for you and the team whilst you are in the treatment rooms and reception areas. 


  • Patients at high risk – we are aware that some of you are deemed higher risk patients, e.g. the elderly and people with certain health problems. We will discuss with you when we book your appointments any special requirements you may have and I emphasise your well-being is our number one priority. If needed we will spend more time to ensure that those most in need are not put at added risk.


  • As always we  ensure that all the Work Surfaces are cleaned thoroughly between patients, and we allow adequate time for the purchased air purification and disinfection system to clean the air.


As you can see we are taking every conceivable reasonable step we can to take care of your wellness and safety. Rest assured that we will always treat you with kindness and respect and will do everything we can to assist you.


If you wish to schedule an appointment:-

please call us on: 020 89592716 


Email us on:


We know that these new measures and changes to our normal way of working will take time to get used to as patients, however we please ask for your cooperation in ensuring these run smoothly so we can continue to provide the same quality of care for our patients.


 Please keep safe,


Kind Regards,

From Lance Kruger and the Penridge Dentistry Team

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